Education and Experience.
I'm currently in my third-year of my Undergraduate Degree and have managed to maintain a consistent level of high quality work, whilst also focusing attention into extra-curricular opportunities. Namely I was elected as Course Representative for my year-group and have worked to enhance communications between Students and the Lecturing Team. It provided me a unique opportunity to engage with a feedback form as well as encouragement to get involved more with my peers to better the University Experience for all. As an extension to this, I allocated more time into offering critical feedback for my classmates to further my own skills and understanding as an aspiring Editor.
Additionally I have joined a Social Committee for UCLan's Arts and Media School, volunteering time to help conceptualize, budget, plan and then host a variety of events to improve networking and Student satisfaction.
During summers, I work seasonally in Hospitality. The position challenged me to enhance my social skills and the environment of a fast-paced workplace.
As I near my Graduation, I have aspirations to pursue a Masters Degree and extend my learning further, with designs to later receive a Teaching Certificate. I consider myself only at the start of my journey, but ambitious and excited for all future prospects.